Waconia Choirs | 2025 Star Power and Spectacular Parent Ads!
Waconia Choirs is a group of curriculum and extra-curricular choirs that include Waconia High School's Power Company of Show Choirs, Power Company, The Current, Illuminations, Shockwave and The Pulse. It also includes The Waconia High School Chamber Choir, and the spectacular Show Choir event, Star Power.
Waconia, music, high school, power company, the current, illuminations, shockwave, pulse, waconia high school, curriculum, extra-curricular, choir, show choir, competition, Star Power
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2025 Star Power and Spectacular Parent Ads!

2025 Star Power and Spectacular Parent Ad information

We are getting ready to print this year’s combined program for the Star Power competition and the Spectacular shows. It’s long been our tradition to include shout-out ads for our student performers in the Spectacular portion of the program. The deadline for Parent Ads is coming up …

This year’s deadline is Sunday, JANUARY 29, 2025.

We know many of you will want to have a performance photo for your ad, so this email is for you to be aware of the short window you’ll have to take one and to plan your text and the size of your ad (see info below). Also, please be aware that we can create your ad for you. If you want us to create the ad, we would like to have your information as soon as possible. This is a tight deadline for everyone, so your attention and organization are greatly appreciated!

Parent Ads Info

We all recognize the hard work that each of our students puts in week in and week out. As a parent/grandparent/special supporter, this is your opportunity to show your love and pride for your amazing performer(s) by placing a shout-out ad in our Spectacular program!

Here’s what you need to know to place an ad:

Ad sizes and prices

Full page (8” x 10 1/2”) — $150.00 • 5 pics

Half page Horizontal (8” x 5 1/8”) — $75.00 • 3 pics

Half page Vertical (3 7/8” x 10 1/2”) — $75.00 • 3 pics

Quarter page (3 7/8” x 5 1/8”) — $37.50 • 2 pics


Provide us with a finished ad (JPEG or PDF) conforming to the dimensions above.

Email the JPEG or PDF file: Cary Bomgren at cebomgren@gmail.com

Include “Spectacular Ad for [your student’s name]” in the subject head and specify ad size

If you want us to build your ad:

Send us the digital pictures and text you want to include, and we’ll build it for you … for free

Email the JPEG files and text: Cary Bomgren at cebomgren@gmail.com

Include “Spectacular Ad for [your student’s name]” in the subject head and specify ad size.

Please provide accurate contact info when you submit the pictures and text. We will use this to email you an ad proof for your approval

File size? If it’s tiny or chunky (pixelated), it’s probably too small. We can downsize, but we can’t find detail that doesn’t exist in the original. Target or Walgreens do a nice job scanning prints. Photos may be in color or black & white, but final ads will be B&W.


Payment should be made at the same time you send your information to Cary.

They can be made two ways:

Paypal (preferred) to the Waconia Choir Boosters — Click Here

After the amount is entered, you NEED to put “Spectacular Ad for [your student’s name]” in the “Add special instructions to the seller” section. This way we won’t chase you down for payment!

Mail a check made payable to Waconia Choir Boosters ℅ Cary Bomgren 1718 Lakeridge Way, Waconia MN  55387

Include “Spectacular Ad for [your student’s name]” on the check or as a note in the envelope.

Our Boosters Business Manager will verify payment before the ad is placed in the program. We will not place unpaid ads in the program. Also, ads should not contain any advertisements for businesses. If you would like to purchase a business ad, pricing is different and available upon request.

ALL INFO DUE Sunday, JANUARY 29, 2022. We would love to receive it before then — the sooner, the better! Please direct any questions to Cary Bomgren at cebomgren@gmail.com.